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Released in 1975, Iron Man was part of the fifth wave of World's Greatest Super-Heroes sold by Mego (alongside Green Arrow, The Hulk, Falcon, The Lizard, and Green Goblin).

Type 1 Iron Man
Between 1975 and 1976, Iron Man was available on a Type 1 body with metal rivet joints. Type 1 Iron Man was sold in a window box only.

Type 2 Iron Man
Beginning in 1976, Iron Man was available on a Type 2 body with plastic joints. Type 2 Iron Man was sold in a window box and on the standard card.

MIB Iron Man

Pictured Above: MIB Iron Man in Old Logo Box (Left) and New Logo Box (Right)

Pictured Above: MIB Iron Man in Old Logo Box

Pictured Above: MIB Iron Man in New Logo Box
Lili Ledy (Mexico)
Iron Man was produced and sold by Mego distributor Lili Ledy in Mexico as a fist fighter.

Pictured Above: Lili Ledy (Mexico) Fist Fighting Iron Man (Left) and Mego (U.S.A.) Type 2 Iron Man (Right)
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